The United States is the country that imports the most ceramic products in the world, especially tile. In addition, Spain is the fifth largest producer of ceramic products in the world, the second largest exporter by volume and the third largest exporter by value.
The commercial relationship between the United States and Spain with respect to the tile industry is very lucrative for our country, since it has a 24.3% market share in value in the American market. American imports of our ceramic products increased in value between 2020 and 2021 by more than 30%, ending last 2021 with a value of $483.05M.
Despite the fact that Italian exports to the United States lead the podium in terms of value, Spanish exports do so in terms of volume. However, Spain is the country that has increased its price per unit the most between 2020 and 2021. In addition, the health crisis has awakened opportunities for ceramic products in the U.S. market. You can read the full research in the article "How COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine have affected Spanish ceramic exports to the USA".
List of ceramic importers in the United States
The information on the importers that appear in the ranking comes from xNova's market intelligence platform for exporting companies. This data is extracted by analyzing all transactions entering the United States by sea. This directory of ceramic importing companies contains data from the last 12 months.
In this excel you will find the following fields:
Name of ceramic importer
Top three suppliers and number of shipments in the last 12 months
State and full address of the U.S. importer
Number of shipments in the last 12 months
Number of kilograms imported in the last 12 months